Gutta Percha points
Accurate points for root canals of different conicity
ISO standardized gutta-percha points 2%, 4%, 6% Conventional gutta-percha points.
*Variable tapers & Sizes designed to predictably fit shaped canals.
*Excellent radiopacity.
*Long shelf life.
*Color coded points according to ISO.
*Flexibility for available entrance into tiny and curved canals and completelyseals the entire length of the canal.
Gutta-percha points are highly tight material used in conjunction with most of the endodontic sealers to fill a prepared root canal. The combination of gutta-percha with a root canal sealer aims to result in a complete permanent sealing preventing re-occurence of endodontic pathologies.

Gutta-percha is suitable for cold obturation technique (single cone or lateral compaction) and warm vertical obturation technique. The points are radiopaque for X-ray easy follow-up and stiff yet flexible enough to follow the curves of the canal.

PD Gutta-percha points complete range includes 28 mm long ISO standardized points with a conicity of 2% (0.02), 4% (0.04) or 6% (0.06). The different conicity enables a precise fit to the prepared root canal according to the conicity of the instruments used. Each ISO standardized points is color-coded for easier identification and features depth marks for precise insertion at the desired length (marks at 16 mm, 18 mm, 19 mm, 20 mm, 22 mm and 24 mm). ISO size points satisfy with the requirements of ISO 6877:2006 (Dentistry – Root canal obturating points).
In addition to ISO standardized points, conventional gutta-percha points are also available. They are 28 mm long with a wider taper design than ISO sizes in order to fit the canal with a more conical shape.

All gutta-percha points are accurate in size and shape. The products are packaged by drawer. Assortments are available